The Super Special Disability Roadshow The Super Special Disability Roadshow

The Super Special Disability Roadshow

  • Theatre
  • Online Event
  • Family
  • Musical
Watch the trailer

This is an online school offer, available anytime between Thu 10 March, 8.00pm – Sun 27 March, 11.59pm

Price: $5 per student, please enquire via

Suitability: Years 5-13 (Primary to Secondary School)

Curriculum Links/Topics: Drama, English, Social Studies

What’s it like to be disabled in 2022?

Find out in this hilarious, heart-warming and delightfully honest multimedia show, presented online, for all ages. Embracing the digital era, Rob and Sal are testing out a new, high-tech version of their roadshow, which teaches audiences what it’s like for disabled people in today’s world. All seems to be going well for the two hosts...until the younger crew sets them straight!

Drawing on stories and experiences of disabled children and adults, this rousing musical show explores what it means to be disabled and how different generations of disabled people feel about their identities.
A smart, energising and nuanced experience – perfect for anyone eager to grow their understanding and explore how we talk about disability.

This production was originally recorded in the United Kingdom and is interpreted in British Sign Language. 


Additional Resources

Ever wanted to ask performers at a show questions, but have been too shy to? Send us your students’ top questions after watching the show by Friday 18 March and your school will get personalised video responses from the cast.

Plus, an exciting digital expansion will also be available to view as part of the ticket purchase for this performance. A pre-recorded panel discussion between Birds of Paradise Theatre Company and local leaders in the Aotearoa Arts Access space will be included in this digital event.

What does it mean be accessible to all? Makers of The Super Special Disability Roadshow, Birds of Paradise Theatre Company (Scotland), join local leaders in the Aotearoa arts access space to chat.

The discussion will centre on how accessibility impacts everyone, and positive changes that can lead to more inclusive spaces. We’ll also hear more about what it means to be a disability led arts organisation. Facilitated by Erin Gough, a human rights activist working with the Ministry of Social Development.

This panel is recorded, and will be captioned and NZSL interpreted.

Education Pack

After watching the performance, visit the Birds of Paradise Schools Education site to access extensive resources, engaging activities, materials, and talking points

Additional Resources

Learning Resource

Access & Inclusion

We’re here to help!

The Super Special Disability Roadshow is a safe entrance into the world of disability and access but we understand this subject can be trick for some of us, especially if we feel we lack the information needed to guide students. We are here to help!

Our Access & Inclusion Programme Coordinator Natalie Braid is happy to answer any and all questions you may have and to provide you with any additional material including a Best Practice Cheat Sheet. You can contact Natalie at

My Life As A….

Meet Robert Gale, the writer and director behind The Super Special Disability Roadshow. In this bite-sized video, he discusses his work, creative process and passes on top tips for aspiring artists.

Watch More Artist Q&A Videos


Creative Learning Booking & Contact
For Creative Learning programme queries, contact our Creative Learning Programme Coordinator Kelly Gilbride.
Phone: 09 374 0339
SUPPORTED BY Creative NZ, Foundation North, and Annies

School tickets $5/Student


Watch this show online between 10 – 27 March



Online Digital Stage

We are using Vidzing to present our Online Digital Stage.

Vidzing Help Centre

*Watch Siva Afi Online Festival 2022 at:


4 Stars

“Robert Softley Gale and his brilliant co-creator – composer, songwriter and pianist Sally Clay – continue the exploration of the changing politics of disability that Birds of Paradise began, in rousing style, with their 2018 Fringe hit musical My Left Right Foot.”

4 Stars

“A warm and funny experience that achieves what all the best theatre does: open a window on other lives”

The Independent on BoP’s Purposeless Movements

“… a collision of memories, bickering, songs, animations, jokes and serious commentary.”

Mark Fisher, The Guardian


  • Robert Gale
  • Joe Douglas
  • Sally Clay
AV Design
  • Lewis den Hertog
Set & Costume Design
  • Ali Maclaurin
BSL Interpreter
  • Natalie MacDonald
Audio Describer
  • Emma-Jane McHenry
Sound Design & Production
  • Novasounda
  • Robert Gale
  • Sally Clay
  • Oona Dooks
  • Oliver Martindale
Production Manager
  • Niall Black
Stage Manager
  • Avalon Hernandez
Deputy Stage Manager
  • Siobhán Scott
Executive Producer
  • Mairi Taylor
  • Michelle Rolfe
Film Makers
  • Urban Croft
  • Niall Walker
  • ‘Super Special Disability Road Show’ by Birds of Paradise
  • originally commissioned by Imaginate
  • Back Stage Images by Katerina Barvirova


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