Someplace Else: A Travel Archive

Someplace Else: A Travel Archive

  • Free
  • Visual Arts

Someplace Else: A Travel Archive speaks to anyone who has ever negotiated an inescapable pull between two places.

Since 1991, Louise Stevenson has been travelling back and forth between Aotearoa and Hungary. Through accumulated travel ephemera and intimate drawings, this long-running project grapples with poignant shifts in time, culture, and geo-political landscapes; between a Moana island and an Eastern-European nation. Disruption to international travel brings these works into the uncertain situation many are experiencing now, nostalgia and a precarious anticipation of when we can travel again to our ‘Someplace Else’.



March Saturday Gallery Club: Travelling Collage with Louise Stevenson
Saturday 12 March 2022 10:30am-12pm
Ages 4-12, accompanied by an adult
Free, no bookings required

Drawing on her works in Someplace Else: A Travel Archive, artist Louise Stevenson will guide kids and caregivers in the making of a series of small collage works on paper that tell a story about travelling. Participants can bring in their own travel artefacts, or use collage materials provided, all while sharing stories of someplace else. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Art activities run for 30-40 minutes.

On Travel Ephemera: Artist Talk and Workshop
Saturday 19 March 2022 10:30am – 11:30am
Homestead Galleries, Corban Estate Arts Centre
Adults 16+
Bookings are essential. Email

Alongside her solo-exhibition Someplace Else: A Travel Archive, join artist Louise Stevenson for an Artist Talk and Workshop in the Homestead Galleries. Spanning thirty years of collecting and making works about travel between Hungary and Aotearoa, Louise will discuss her practice in relation to travel ephemera and our collective impulse to collect and keep such tangible items in the form of boarding passes, museum entries and maps.

Following her discussion, Louise will host a workshop in which participants are welcome to bring in ephemera of their own travels and make their own series of small works on paper.



Exhibition Opening: Fri 4 March, 6pm - 8pm

Fri 4 March – Sun 3 April

Mon-Sun 10:00am to 4:30pm

2 Mount Lebanon Lane

09 838 4455


  • Madeleine Gifford
Image credit
  • Louise Stevenson
  • Műcsarnok
  • Contemporary Art Museum Budapest (2000). Courtesy of the artist.


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